Saturday, January 30, 2016


Nesting is a real thing, people.

Pregnancy is an absolutely amazing miracle that our bodies are capable of. It blows my mind when I think if he millions of cells that must come together to create this little life that grows into a human.

A human. I have a human inside of me. Even though Kate is my third baby, her kicks and rolls and hiccups are all signs of a very active little person I N S I D E OF ME. 

Our bodies go through a lot when we are pregnant. Physically, emotionally, mentally. 

Our bodies instantly change from the moment that baby implants. From bloat, to nausea, to soreness, to flutters, and round ligament pain, and pelvic pain, and then big baby kicks, and a growing belly, growing back pain... But what happens to us emotionally and mentally?

Well, we go bat shit crazy. 

I mean really... We do. We stress over health and safety of our growing little one. We stress over our diets. We stress over our work outs. We stress over finances. We stress over the nursery. We stress over car seats and strollers and the best of the best baby gear.... Because we instantly become Mothers to this baby as soon as we discover we are pregnant. We want everything to be *perfect* for our new baby so we can give them the very best start to life. 

Fast forward to now 37 weeks pregnant. The final stretch. 20 days or less until D Day. Holy. Crap. Panic sets in. Over drive mode sets in. You're sore and tired and miserable but yet you find yourself scrubbing the corner of the kitchen floor at 11pm on a Saturday night because if by some freaking miracle the baby decides to come tonight, that corner of the kitchen MUST be spotless.

Y'all... Nesting is a real thing. If my husband divorces me in the next two weeks, it's because I'm nesting.

I've demanded he makes everything symmetrical in our very imperfect and unsymmetrical house. I've demanded he shampoos carpets for me inside and in the cars. I've literally gotten rid of my every day dishes because they just aren't fit for the princess we will be bringing one. Mind you, she won't eat off real dishes until she's probably 7 years old - but I'd rather be safe than sorry. What if she hated the red square plates we have had for 10 years??! Well, luckily they're gone now and we eat off paper plates for the time being. At least my cabinets feel and look less cluttered! 

Do y'all see my point?! Nesting makes us insane. I'm trying to find a way for this tiny base house to work for our rambunctious boys, massive dog, and new little one. I'm trying my hardest to get creative with my storage solutions and my design and decor techniques, but it's hard. I can't say I love this house. I don't. But I am trying.

So tonight I am thankful for nesting because cleaning and organizing makes this little tiny house slightly more bearable.  

But it still makes us crazy. 😉

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