Saturday, January 30, 2016


Nesting is a real thing, people.

Pregnancy is an absolutely amazing miracle that our bodies are capable of. It blows my mind when I think if he millions of cells that must come together to create this little life that grows into a human.

A human. I have a human inside of me. Even though Kate is my third baby, her kicks and rolls and hiccups are all signs of a very active little person I N S I D E OF ME. 

Our bodies go through a lot when we are pregnant. Physically, emotionally, mentally. 

Our bodies instantly change from the moment that baby implants. From bloat, to nausea, to soreness, to flutters, and round ligament pain, and pelvic pain, and then big baby kicks, and a growing belly, growing back pain... But what happens to us emotionally and mentally?

Well, we go bat shit crazy. 

I mean really... We do. We stress over health and safety of our growing little one. We stress over our diets. We stress over our work outs. We stress over finances. We stress over the nursery. We stress over car seats and strollers and the best of the best baby gear.... Because we instantly become Mothers to this baby as soon as we discover we are pregnant. We want everything to be *perfect* for our new baby so we can give them the very best start to life. 

Fast forward to now 37 weeks pregnant. The final stretch. 20 days or less until D Day. Holy. Crap. Panic sets in. Over drive mode sets in. You're sore and tired and miserable but yet you find yourself scrubbing the corner of the kitchen floor at 11pm on a Saturday night because if by some freaking miracle the baby decides to come tonight, that corner of the kitchen MUST be spotless.

Y'all... Nesting is a real thing. If my husband divorces me in the next two weeks, it's because I'm nesting.

I've demanded he makes everything symmetrical in our very imperfect and unsymmetrical house. I've demanded he shampoos carpets for me inside and in the cars. I've literally gotten rid of my every day dishes because they just aren't fit for the princess we will be bringing one. Mind you, she won't eat off real dishes until she's probably 7 years old - but I'd rather be safe than sorry. What if she hated the red square plates we have had for 10 years??! Well, luckily they're gone now and we eat off paper plates for the time being. At least my cabinets feel and look less cluttered! 

Do y'all see my point?! Nesting makes us insane. I'm trying to find a way for this tiny base house to work for our rambunctious boys, massive dog, and new little one. I'm trying my hardest to get creative with my storage solutions and my design and decor techniques, but it's hard. I can't say I love this house. I don't. But I am trying.

So tonight I am thankful for nesting because cleaning and organizing makes this little tiny house slightly more bearable.  

But it still makes us crazy. 😉

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pregnant Power - The Importance of Fitness in Pregnancy and Beyond. (LONG POST)

I wanted to take some time to write about exercise during pregnancy. I've been pregnant or nursing for five years straight and during this time, I've really struggled with finding any GOOD information about pregnancy and exercise.

It's quite ridiculous if you ask me, honestly. I don't understand the mind set of Doctors really... They expect you to only gain 20 - 25 lbs during pregnancy, yet will tell you do only do low impact exercises like yoga, swimming, walking, etc.

Okay, let me just say... That's some bullshit. If you have a body type like me, there's no way I could only gain 20 lbs by eating healthy and like... walking a few miles a day. That's what I did with my first pregnancy and I gained 40 lbs.

So with that being said, let me rewind a bit and start from my fitness journey from the beginning.

Growing up, I always exercised. I was on team sports, I ran at the track with my sister on the weekends, I competed at a Junior Olympic level in Tae Kwon Do. I was not a lazy kid or teenager. I thought I ate a fine diet. I wouldn't binge eat pasta or ice cream...So I never really understood why I was "always bigger" than everyone else. My typical diet consisted of what I thought was normal things. Cereal, fruit, granola bars for snack, maybe crackers for a snack, a sandwich and yogurt for lunch, another snack of some sort, and then dinner... a protein, a carb, and a vegetable. Sometimes ice cream? Not daily. So why on earth was I weighing in at 180 lbs when I was exercising and eating "okay"?

I met my husband in 2007 and he really opened my eyes about how I was eating and exercising. He taught me that what I was eating was high carb, low protein, low fat. A disaster and terribly unbalanced. He taught me how to add protein and cut carbs from my daily diet. As soon as I did that, weight melted off of me. It was actually EASY to start losing weight when I finally understood what I was doing wrong.

By 2010, I was no longer 180. I was a perfect size 4, weighing in at 135. I was fit, I was healthy, I felt amazing, I looked amazing. I owed my success to Beachbody, my husband, and myself. I worked hard to learn. I worked hard in the kitchen. I worked hard in my exercising. I worked hard to be consistent. I worked hard to change my life. I was so happy with my success, and that is when I became a Beachbody Coach. I wanted to share my journey and my success with other people. If I could do it, anyone could do it.

So February 4, 2011... I came home from work. Bobby had just left for a few months for TAD so I was by myself. I didn't feel great.... So I took a pregnancy test... And my GOD THAT SHIT WAS POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, undeniably positive. I was SO HAPPY. I cried, I shaked, I jumped, I said a lot of "oh my god". I called Bobby and told him. I called my Mom. I called my best friend. I called my sister. I wanted to shout it to the world that I was going to be a Momma!!!!

And then... It all sank in. How do I exercise? Will it hurt the baby? What do I eat? Do i have to change my diet? I was clueless.

I researched some, but I was a typical paranoid FTM. I kept crackers and ginger ale by my bed becauswe that is what the books told me to do. I stopped running and started walking (6 miles a day) because the books said do low impact. I had bad chicken aversions so my diet was carb heavy again.

9 months, 40 lbs later, plus pre-eclampsia...I delivered a 6 lb itty bitty baby weighing in at 189. And then I was left leaving the hospital back at 180.

"It'll come off quick" they said...
"Breastfeed, it helps" they said...
"Take it easy the first few months" they said...

Okay... I'm just gonna stop listening to the choir because y'all are preaching malarkey.

Within 9 months, I was back to 140 lbs and feeling good again, but it was work. A lot of work.

Fast forward to July 2013....I was still breastfeeding and found out I was pregnant again. "This time would be better" I told myself... AND it was!!! I still gained 40 lbs, but my diet was better. It was more balanced. I did exercise but it was a mix of things. Light weights, walking, some jogging. I did my best. It was a hard pregnancy for me, physically and emotionally. My husband was gone again and I was working, parenting, and dealing with neighborhood drama all while trying to grow a healthy baby. So my goal was to survive the 9 months.

I gave birth to my second son at 42 weeks, weighing in at 174 and he was 9lbs, 3 oz.

After having him, I was unable to exercise for a long time due to a dislocated pelvis from SPD and then I broke my toe, and then I got surgery on my wrist. It was rough.

By the time my second son was 1, I decided I needed to change up my fitness routine. I was doing fine, and for the most part, back to normal, but I still wanted to lose maybe 15 lbs and tone up. I researched into starting Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer from I loved what I read. I decided it was time to try something new and different... i wanted to learn more about lifting weights. So that's exactly what I did.

My body started changing so fast when I was lifting! I was strong. I was lean. I was energized. I felt the best I had felt in a long time. I was starting to understand the importance of women lifting weights and doing cardio and eating right. It all made sense to me. It clicked.

AND then, just when I looked my hottest and best.... I get knocked up again. I was in disbelief. This came as a huge surprise to both of us, but we agreed this will be our last baby. 3 kids in 4 years is no joke. It's exhausting physically and mentally, especially since I get all crunchy and hippy and breastfeed them until they can like, eat steak and read chapter books.

So my husband and I spent the first few weeks of the pregnancy discussing what I can do different this time. My body couldn't handle another 40 lbs. I can't take another year of my life to lose the baby weight again. So really, what can I do different this time...

Being sick as a dog helped the first trimester. All I ate was fruit I think? I don't know. It was a hot mess. We were living at my parents house for the summer and all I could think about was how sick I felt all of the time. I couldn't even function enough to parent properly. It was rough BUT I did make it to the gym every day. I was still doing the Jamie Eason program and I was determined to finish it. I didn't slack because I was pregnant. Some days if I felt really awful, I would go lighter or do less reps, but I continued my program. Once I got prescribed Zofran for the nausea, things improved even more at the gym.

My daily diet didn't change much either. I continued to eat eggs. they didn't make me sick. I was able to eat chicken this time without getting too sick. What made me sick was sweets and chocolate, so maybe I lucked out. But I tried to keep the fact that I was newly pregnant in the back of my mind. I think it's important to remember you're pregnant, but to not let it dictate your daily life if you can help it.

So here I am. 37 weeks. I've gained 23 lbs. They are inducing me in 2 weeks to help eliminate the pelvic issues and the shoulder dystocia my son 23 lbs now with 2 weeks to go. I still go to the gym daily. I no longer do Jamie Eason's Live Fit program because I'm knowledgeable enough now that I know what I'm doing in the gym for the most part. I have great friends at the gym too that help me and teach me also.

I couldnt be more proud of myself. Squatting 85 lbs at 9 months pregnant isnt easy, but it feels amazing to know my body is this strong and able to do it. I've had people approach me at the gym and high five me, ask me questions, tell me I need to write a book. That is all very flattering but that's not my goal. I just want to be healthy and happy with myself. I want to share what I know with other women. I want other women to understand that our bodies are capable of amazing things but we have to also be mentally strong but none of this is easy.

It would be much easier if I sat on the couch at 9 months pregnant eating a bowl of ice cream, but how would I feel? I'd be miserable. I'd feel disgusting. I'd feel lazy. I'd have satisfaction when I ate the bowl of ice cream, but it would quickly fade and guilt would take over. Not ONE day has gone by that I've regretted the gym.

I hope I can inspire other women, other pregnant women, to learn that they can also do this.

I've been talking about getting my personal training certificate for a while now. I finally made the choice as to which type I want to get and I'll begin next month (Because I'll have a NB and two other toddler, whats one more thing, right? Ugh...)

This was a hobby that has become a passion and now I want to truly make it a living. One day I may go back to teaching, but for now, i can use my skills as a teacher and teach other women how to improve themselves physically and mentally.

I have a lot of goals for myself still, and I am constantly learning new techniques, new methods, new diet tricks. Working with my Beachbody Clients has made me grow also. We're growing together. Our bodies are always changing, so we never should stop learning.

Moral of the story: Weightloss, exercise, pregnancy, being a woman... the struggle is real. It's exhausting. It can be defeating at some times. But it's also about finding our deepest inner strength to persevere. When we get knocked down, we must get up. That is how weight loss goes for me.

I will never be 120 lbs or a size 2, That's okay with me. That isnt my goal. My goal is to feed my body healthy food to energize it and fuel it. My goal is to age gracefully. My goal is to be strong enough to keep up with 3 children. My goal is to look fucking awesome in a bikini and people high five me for having 3 kids in 4 years and STILL look that good. My goal is for me to motivate myself by motivating others to make healthy changes.

I've ran into people that are very critical of me for "being obsessive" or "doing too much in pregnancy". That's okay. They don't understand my journey. I don't do this for other people. I do this for me.

If you are ever interested in becoming a client and customer of mine, I'd love to help you along your journey. Visit me at:

My first pregnancy @ 37 weeks (Around 178 lbs)

My second pregnancy @ 37 weeks (Around 172 lbs)My third pregnancy @ 37 weeks (Around 167 lbs)

The benefits of squatting in late pregnancy.... Kim Kardashian Toosh? 
  Two more weeks to go!

Friday, January 15, 2016

The begging of the end

I'm just 20 something days from meeting my last baby... My first baby girl. Emotions are running high and wild, quite unexpectedly.

My blog is simple. I keep it real here because I feel like SO many Moms put on this effortless ambiance that is so incredibly fake it's nauseating. Most of my friends keep it real, so I'm talking about a majority of all the other mom blogs. The DIY Moms, the Organizing Moms, the Sports Moms, the Moms that throw on their mom jeans and drive their minivans with a proud weird pride I don't simply grasp yet... Anyway, those Moms are the ones I can't connect with. 

Back to the pregnancy..

So my pregnancy took me surprise. We weren't trying. In fact, we were avoiding. I was 7 weeks along when I found out I was pregnant. I had found out at 4 weeks with the boys. We were in the middle of a massive transition of a PCS and we didn't have a house to settle into yet. 

The only reason I took a pregnancy test was because I was so sick and had no idea why. That should have been a warning of what things were about to come. I spent the first 20 something weeks nauseous and sick but it became manageable. I hadn't been that sick with my boys so morning sickness was a new learning curve for me. 

In general this pregnancy has been alright. I've had terrible back pain on and off, but I have only gained 22 lbs and I'm nearing the end, so for that I am grateful for. 

With the end approaching, I'm realizing how different this pregnancy still is compared to the boys. I'm incredibly sensitive and emotional, especially this past week. I've been crying at the drop of a hat because I have the urge to organize my husbands tools. Clearly I cannot bring a newborn home until the tools in the garage are in the proper place 🙄 It's just  bizarre. I never had the urge to nest as strong as this before. Surely I cleaned before my babies arrived in the past, but this is an entire different level of nesting. 

I think a part of it has to do with disliking our house. There are benefits to living on base but there are so many cons as well. We pay $2200 a month for a small house with the worst appliances imaginable. The heating and cooling is comical. There is zero storage. Everything is cluttered. It smells like Chinese men in Westons room and I don't know why. I can't ever seem to keep it clean. The boys argue so much because they're on top of each other playing. And it's all overwhelming. Do I want to move? No because that's a huge PIA but at the same time, I'm about to bring another person into this house that hardly fits the current people that do live here. 

I miss North Carolina. I miss the space. I Miss my home. I miss the beaches. I miss the comfort and relaxed lifestyle. I miss my routine. I don't miss my old neighbors and I don't miss people talking bad about other people, but I do miss my life there. I'm sad I'm not bringing my new baby back to my home there. I'm sad that my new baby has to be subjected to the chaos that this house and this demographic area brings. At the end of the day, I know all she will need is just me and nothing else, but when you want give your babies the best of the best, it's frustrating. 

I'm venting and rambling now, but let me just bring it back down to reality. The struggle is real. Three kids is a struggle. Living on base is a struggle. Being pregnant is a struggle. Being a stay at home mom is a struggle. Driving a fucking minivan is a struggle. 

Ive been here 6 months and I have yet to find a solid groove and that is a huge struggle, especially because I rely so much on routine and consistency. 

But the end is near. She will be here incredibly soon and I'm hoping my bahumbug attitude changes. I'm sure she won't care that Westons room smells like Chinese men, or that the tooth brush holder needs to be moved two inches to the left. Surely she won't care about that! But right now, hats what I care about. 

Sum of my story tonight: Pregnancy makes us crazy. Pregnancy is a struggle, and this shit is very real. 
10 weeks

28 weeks

35 weeks 

My sweet girl...